Ways to Keep Busy on Bed Rest
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I recently found out that I needed to be put on bed rest. It isn’t the super strict kind, but I am done working and hang out around the house. Many women are put on bed rest for different reasons during pregnancy. No matter the reason, bed rest can become boring really quick. I’ve complied a list of some different things I’ve done to stay busy on bed rest.
Explore new shows on Netflix. There are endless options here so get wrapped up in a new series or watch an old movie. Some of my favorites (and maybe yours) Psych and Gilmore Girls.
Create your baby registry on Amazon or Target. It might not be as fun as being at the store, but there are lots of great things you can add to your registry online.
Read a new book series. Find a nice long series to read. Some of my favorites are The Selection Series, The Lunar Chronicles, and the Unenchanted Series.
Work on a puzzle. It can be a physical puzzle or try one on your phone or iPad.
Do crossword puzzles, word searches, sudoko, etc. It might remind you of the fun ones from school, but it will be a way to keep your mind busy and allow you to rest at the same time.
Write thank you notes. If you’ve already had your baby shower, this is a great time to write out those thank you cards. Or if others have brought you food or done other things to help while on bed rest, you can send them a thank you as well.
Research baby names online. If names have been a struggle, then read through lists of baby names. I enjoy reading all the interesting names even if I would never consider some. It will keep you entertained.
Learn something new like sewing, knitting, cross stitch, etc. Youtube videos are a great help here. Search for the skill you want to learn and get going.
Shop online. Still need some stuff for the baby? Didn’t get quite everything you needed from your registry. Browse online and finish up that shopping. Maybe check out Etsy for cute specialty baby items, or other cute shops.
Organize your Pinterest Boards. Maybe it is just me, but sometimes when I get in a pinning storm, some pins end up on the wrong boards. You know what I mean I was in a recipe pinning groove and then found some laundry tips and they ended up on the recipe board. Get all the pins in the right place and organize so you can find pins when you need them.
Paint your nails. Give yourself some downtime pampering. Paint your fingernails while watching some Netflix.
Crafts. If you are having a girl create some cute little headbands. Check out The Ribbon Retreat, they have lots of kits for creating cute little headbands. Or look up these other ideas for some quick crafts that can be done easily.
Research Labor and Delivery. I really was planning on taking a child birth class, but that didn’t end up happening. So I’m doing my learning from online. Research anything you are worried about. Don’t get too bogged down in all your reading, but get some good ideas on how you would like your birth plan to go if possible.
Journaling. If you love to write, it is a great idea to catch up on your journal writing. I’m not really great at this, but it can be fun to keep a log of the happenings of your pregnancy.
Photo Books or Scrapbooking. I love the look of Shutterfly books. Except, I feel like I never have time to organize all my photos into a book. Take time to work on a photo book or catch up on a physical scrapbook.
Listen to Music. I know for me I used to always listen to music in high school, but now I only listen to it in the car or while getting ready in the morning. Take a few moments to relax, close your eyes and just soak up the music.
Plan out your day. This may sound weird because you should just be taking it easy, but for me it has helped to outline my time. That way I don’t end up sleeping too much or getting bored. If I write down that I want to read, shower, eat lunch, etc. it just helps me out.
What other ideas do you have to enjoy while on bed rest?
Check out my other pregnancy posts:
8 Tips to Calm First time Pregnancy Worries