Blogger Mixer at DownEast Home & Clothing

Earlier this week all us wild and crazy Idaho Bloggers got together and mixed it up at DownEast Home & Clothing store. I had so much fun. So much.

Not only did I fall in love with sooo many pieces of furniture, home decor and clothes, I got to meet some of these lovely Idaho Blogger ladies (check them out at the end of this post).

Oh and the staff…they are like long lost friends. They were sooo helpful. They bent over backwards to find coordinating looks or locate the right size at another store. Go in and establish a relationship with them. You will not regret it.

Let’s start with furniture….
10Downeast Fun at

Do I even need to say anything about how smashing this is??? I want it and I will put it in my living room with my T.V. on it because I am sure all of my shows will be 10 times better if the T.V. is sitting on this beautiful chest.
2Downeast Fun at www.thebensonstreet.comOnto these lime chairs. They would match my kitchen perfect, I may as well call this post “My Christmas List Draft 1.”

Now onto the fashion stylish goodness. I could have emptied my savings account. Here are my favorites!!!!!
3Downeast Fun at

What I love here:

a. stripes

b. navy

c. statement necklace

d. printed hats

e. braided belts

Got to love the maxi skirts…I could live in them.
5Downeast fun at www.thebensonstreet.comAre you ready for SWIMSUITS?!?!? I am not, well I am ready for winter to be done, but I’ve got to get toning and dieting. If I were ready, I would wear one of these lovelies.

4Downeast Fun at Have you had too much coral yet? I haven’t. It is one of my fav colors to wear.

6Downeast Fun at www.thebensonstreet.comSame story here with navy, yellow & gray…love it.

15Downeast Fun at These cute girls found some adorable outfits. Don’t they just rock them???

14Downeast Fun at Downeast Fun at www.thebensonstreet.comHere is what I found. I can’t wait to pair it with some colored skinnies for spring.

Downeast Fun at 1

YAY for new friends and the old ones too!!

DownEast Mixer 2013 l
Check out these adorable, fun, stylish blogger girls! I promise you will be blown away!
Anna@Take the Side Street
Megan@Crafters Club
Sheena@Life in My Heels

Hi there!

I’m Emily, a mom and wife with a passion for crafting, celebrating holidays, and creating memorable moments. From Idaho to the world, The Benson Street is a treasure trove of easy, fun DIY projects, delightful printables, and delicious recipes. With over a decade of experience in blogging and a love for all things seasonal, I’m here to share my tips, ideas, and occasional mishaps. Join me in adding a dash of joy and creativity to every day! Read more…

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  1. Well done! you snapped some pics of things i overlooked over there! i can’t wait to get my pre-prego body back to fit into those cute clothes! 🙂

  2. How did I miss that great chest- wow! Totally enjoyed visiting with you, Emily, and hope there is lots more of it to come through the future 🙂