Cut the Parchment paper to fit the bottom of the pan. Using a brush, brush the inside of the Spring-form pan with softened butter, bottom and sides. Place the Parchment paper in the bottom of the pan, over the butter, and set aside.
Measure the crumbs into a bowl, add the Sugar and stir, and add the butter and stir well to coat.
Press the crumbs into the bottom of the pan, and up the sides, making the crust even all the way around. Use a spoon to smooth the crumbs.
In the Mixing bowl of a stand mixer, add the heavy cream, and mix on high until stiff peaks form.
Add the softened cream cheese, Sugar, eggs, Vanilla, flour, and Amoretti Birthday cake syrup, and mix all ingredients, until well blended. Stop the mixer and scrape down the sides of the bowl, and mix until smooth and creamy.
Add the Aqua food coloring gel, and mix well until all the cheesecake batter is a light aqua color; Depending on what brand of food coloring gel you use will depend on exactly how much you need. If you want a lighter color, use a little less, if you want a darker aqua color, use a little more.
When you have the batter mixed, add the Confetti sprinkles to the batter, and mix on low for just about 10 seconds to blend the sprinkles into the batter.
Pour the Cheesecake batter into the Spring-form pan. Place the oven rack in the middle of the oven. On the bottom rack, place a large pan of water - a 9 X 13 dish would work, or a broiler pan, just make sure it's positioned underneath the Cheesecake.
Place the Cheesecake in the oven, at 325 degrees, for 1/2 an hour, then turn the temperature to 300, and leave for another 1/2 an hour.
When the hour is up, turn off the oven, and leave the Cheesecake in the oven for another hour, then remove the Cheesecake from the oven to a wire rack to cool completely.
When the Cheesecake is cooled, cover the top with Parchment Paper, and then in foil. Place in the refrigerator overnight, and for 24 hours if possible; chilling it for 24 hours will make sure it is set firm.