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Easter Bunny Ears Headband Printable

How to use a free printable template to make a printable easter bunny ears headband. Perfect for Easter parties or celebrations
Prep Time5 minutes
Active Time10 minutes
Total Time15 minutes


  • printable template download by entering email in blog post
  • scissors


  • 2 pieces white cardstock paper
  • crayons, markers or colored pencils mainly pink
  • tape, glue stick or stapler


  • Download and Print: Start by downloading the free printable bunny ears template (you can find the download box at the end of the post). Print it on sturdy white cardstock to ensure durability.
  • Color the Ears: Use crayons, colored pencils, or markers to color the inner parts of the ears pink. Feel free to get creative and add patterns or designs.
  • Cut Out the Pieces: Carefully cut out the ears along the solid lines. Then, cut two-inch-wide strips from the cardstock to serve as the headband.
  • Assemble the Headband: Measure the strips around your head or a child's head to find the right length. Tape or staple the ends together to form a circle that fits comfortably.
  • Attach the Cute Bunny Ears: Finally, tape or staple the ears to the headband. Ensure they're securely fastened so they stand upright when worn.